Black Special Forces Medal of Honor Winners
Sergeant First Class Eugene Ashley was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for actions in trying to relieve members of A-Camp Lang Vei on 6-7 February 1968.
Sergeant First Class William M. Bryant was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for their actions in leading his Mike Force indigenous troops during an intense attack by NVA forces
SFC Melvin Morris received the Medal of Honor for various actions on September 17, 1969, while commanding the Third Company, Third Battalion of the IV Mobile Strike Force (Mike Force) near Chi Lang, South Vietnam.
Newly Awarded Black Special Forces Medal of Honor Winner: March 3rd, 2023
When reinforcements finally arrived on the afternoon of June 18, 1965, Capt. Paris Davis was able to rescue the last of his wounded men from the battlefield. Hours before, he received an order to abandon them, one that he disobeyed while engaging in harrowing combat for 19 hours.
Black Special Forces Distinguished Service Cross Recipients
CSM (R) Tyrone Adderly received the Distinguished Service Cross for his gallantry as a member of the Son Tay Raid rescue force that executed a daring raid on a North Vietnamese prison in November 1970
First Lieutenant Merkerson distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions as senior Special Forces advisor to a Vietnamese task force conducting a search and destroy mission in Binh Dinh Province.
Black Special Forces Silver Star Recipients
Colonel Paris Davis (born 6 May 1939) is a retired United States Army officer who was twice nominated for the Medal of Honor, for his actions on 18 July 1965 during the Vietnam War, however both times the paperwork relating to this nomination disappeared
MSG Ernest Hayward served as a Special Forces qualified Operations and Intelligence Specialist. He was assigned to Det A-332, 5th SFG(A). MSG Hayward was fatally wounded on October 25, 1965, in the Binh Long province of South Viet Nam. He Was 37 Years old.
Sergeant First Class Mel Hill was the team member assigned to RECON Team ASP, Command Central North in the covert unit MACVSOG. SFC Hill became the Team Leader for the world’s first combat High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) jump into Laos in 1967 while serving in MACVSOG
SGM (R) Stephan D. Johns, earned the Silver Star for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Special Forces Sniper on Operational Detachment Alpha 334 (ODA-334), during combat operations in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Black Special Forces Trailblazers
CPT (R) Chalmers Archer is believed to be one of the first Blacks to attend Special Forces Training in 1952.
Brigadier General (Ret) Remo Butler was born November 16, 1951, in Egypt, Mississippi. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1974 with the U.S. Army upon his graduation from Austin Peay State University.
LTG Fletcher is currently the highest-ranking Black Special Forces Officer. No other Black SF Officer has reached the rank he currently holds. Lieutenant General Fletcher began his career in the 197th Infantry Brigade at Fort Benning, Georgia
COL (R) Earl Atkinson was the first Black Special Forces Soldier to pass Selection and Assessment and graduate from the Operators Training Course for the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D)
Black Special Forces Trailblazers
Command Sergeant Major Joseph Dennison was the first Black Command Sergeant Major of a Group. CSM was the 5th SFG(A) CSM during the Groups move to Fort Campbell Kentucky in 1988.
CW4 Charlie “Black Frog” Simmons was the first Black SF Soldier to attend the Special Forces Warrant Officer Course in 1984
CW5 John Wade was the first Black SF Soldier to be promoted to CW5 He enlisted in the Army on 14 July 1981.
SGM Alsee Richardson was the first Black Soldier to graduate from the Golden Knights Assessment and Selection program and became a member of the U S Army Parachute Team in 1970
Black Special Forces Pioneers
Earl Graves was a nationally recognized authority on Black business development and the founder and publisher of Black Enterprise Magazine. In 1972, he was one of the ten most outstanding minority businessmen in the country by the President of United States, President Nixon
LTC (ret) Earl Woods served two tours in Viet Nam. One as an Infantry Officer and the second tour as a Special Forces Officer. Upon return stateside he later fathered a son born in 1975 whom he named Eldrick “Tiger” Woods.
CSM Love served his country for more than 30 years, fought in two wars, and was among the first African American Soldiers to qualify as a Green Beret. The Rock Hill, SC native was 86 when he died in 2014.
Colonel H.E. Bynum was the 5th SFG (A) Commander from Jun 80-Dec 1982
Black Special Forces Pioneers
SGM (ret) Willie ”Track Shoe” McCloud is a Distinguished Member of the Regiment.
COL (R) Gus Benton was the 1st Black: 3rd SFG (A) Commander from Jun 2008-Jun 2010
COL (R) Tal Sullivan was the 1st Black: Battalion Commander of the 4th Battalion, 3rd SFG(A) from Aug 2008-Aug 2010. Of note, COL Sullivan was also the Commander of B/2/3

Anytime Anywhere We Were There as Well!
Leading the way in Special Forces!